1. Official Name

a) The official name of the school is International Evangelical School of Universal Studies – IESUS.

b) The description of the school name:

International” means that this school is conceived and participated from many countries throughout the world.  “Evangelical” means that theologically, the school stands in line with evangelical heritage based on the Bible as its standard, and that socially, it brings good news to everyone in terms of community transformation.  “School” means that it is equivalent to the term “Academy” or “Institute”.  And “Universal Studies” means that the school offers academic studies in various fields.

2. Logo

a) Shape and color of logo

b) The description of logo:

The logo of IESUS has its blue oval shape with the blue word “IESUS” inside and green globe behind the word “IESUS”.  Together the oval shape represents vision.  The Latin word “IESUS” represents the word “JESUS” in English, meaning that Jesus is the Master of education from whom the school bears its name.  The green globe represents all people around the world.  The logo of IESUS represents our vision so that the world will know Jesus and His model of education through this school.