
  1. Send application to school email address: .  Please go to Contact to send your request of Application Form.
  2. Scan or take picture of graduation Certificates/Degrees (High School, College, University…) and transcripts from these institutions/schools.
  3. Required documents:

   a. Digital photo (4×6 cm) with white background (taken within 2 months ago)

   b. Application form (according to school designed form, received from IESUS after sending your request of the form)

   c. Graduation certificates or degrees (copies)

   d. Official transcripts (from graduated Schools/Colleges)

   e. Annual registration fee: US$ 15 and non-refundable.  IESUS will not proceed the application if registration fee is not received.

   f. For the department of theology:

   – 02 recommendation letters (according to school form)

   – Baptism certificate or Baptismal certification.

   – Personal testimony of conversion (A4 size, 1-2 pages)

  1. When any document is found falsified (or fake), registered student will be terminated from his/her study immediately.  For graduated students from IESUS, his/her degree certificate will be nullified.
  2. IESUS will contact and host a direct interview (through phone or online channels) with the candidate before its admission approval.

Study Approach

  1. Visit on your computer/laptop/tablet or smart phone.  Log-in into your account to use IESUS Cyber Learning with Academic and Schooling System (I-CLASS).
  2. IESUS will provide ID and password for account log-in to each individual.
  3. Make team/group and host group-study with 5-7 members per team/group.
  4. Read textbook and watch lecture videos (in the I-CLASS after log-in into your account).
  5. Attend weekly online seminar through Zoom. Please installed Zoom Cloud Meetings into computer/laptop/tablet or smart phone.
  6. Record video of group-study time and send to school or livestream/livecast through Facebook or YouTube.
  7. Yearly, each team/group is to finish 01 social/community project. Each project is counted 03 credits to each student of the team.


* Study Time and Duration:

a. Each year has two semesters:  First Semester and Second Semester.  Each semester lasts 5 months.  First semester begins from January to May;  Second semester begins from July to November (enrollment of 2021 is exceptional).  June and December are Summer and Winter vacations.

b. Each semester has 5 subjects/courses. Each month finishes 1 subject/course.  Each subject/course has 3 study weeks and 1 week for review and exam/test.  Each subject/course is 3 credits.

c. Minimum duration (study-hour) for each subject is 52 hours, including: 10 hours of reading textbook, 10 hours of watching lecture videos, 20 hours of group-study, and 12 hours of online seminar (in 3 weeks, each week has 2 seminars, each seminar lasts 2 hours).

d. Bachelor program (B.Th, B.A., B.I.T.) lasts 4 years with 132 credits (120 credits of 40 courses + 12 credits of social project).  

e. Master of Divinity (M.Div) program lasts 3 years with 99 credits (90 credits of 30 courses + 9 credits of social project).

f. In case of unavoidable difficulties, student is allowed to finish the program longer than expected duration.

g. The combined Th.M.+Ph.D. program lasts 4 years with 57 credits (48 credits of 16 subjects/courses + 9 credits of 3 social projects) and 1 thesis/dissertation. Students are allowed to extend their study duration for further research and writing thesis.

Fees & Tuition

Annual fee:  US$ 15 (fifteen US dollars); Annual tuition:  US$ 350 (three hundred fifty US dollars)


– IESUS will offer full or partial scholarship to poor students.

– Detailed policy and quantity will be announced publicly on the website of IESUS yearly.