Educational Statement

WE, International Evangelical School of Universal StudiesIESUS, express our social commitment and contribution as the following:

I/ Educational Philosophy:

1/ We try our best to offer a high-quality education with affordable cost to everyone regardless of his/her race, culture, religion, and social class.

2/ We focus on holistic training: physical, intellectual, spiritual, and personalistic.

We emphasize on students’ achievement in both learning and doing at the same time.


II/ Social Transformation:

1/ We encourage all students to make feasible plans and take part in social projects in their own community.

2/ We, in our financial ability, build public buildings or facilities for the benefits of all citizens.

3/ We raise fund to carry out significant social projects to help the poor and uneducated.


III/ Free Scholarship:

1/ We offer free and full scholarship (full tuition) to government’s staff.

2/ We offer free and full scholarship (full tuition) to poor and helpless students.

3/ We bestow free and full scholarship (full tuition) to top-3 excellent students in every class (minimum of 30 students).


IV/ Vocational Centers:

1/ We try our best, in our financial ability, to establish certain vocational centers where necessary to train students with suitable skills and vocation.

2/ After graduation, we try to introduce certain qualified graduates to work in those vocational centers or at our school.