MOU Signing

On April 24th, 2023, in Chiang Mai, Thailand, representatives of IESUS and Harvest University willingly signed the MOU to work together as educational partners.


  1. IESUS has registered its official operation with Florida Department of Education (Fldoe) and its school name has been listed on the website of Fldoe since November 2020.
  2. From September 2019 – 2024, IESUS has been testing and running I-CLASS (IESUS Cyber Learning with Academic and Schooling System) in Vietnamese.
  3. Beta version of IESUS website (in English and Vietnamese) has been published since the beginning of November 2020. Korean beta version has been under construction since December 2023.


1.  Application – The First Semester of IESUS (the 1st Enrollment of IESUS):

– IESUS is offering 2 programs:  Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) and Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

– The first 50 students registering will receive about 20% discount of total tuition of the entire program.

– Conditions:

a) Email the complete Application (IESUS provided form) to school.  To receive the Application Form, please go to Contact and send your request of Application Form.

b) Send $US 15 (fifteen) [non-refundable, whether students are accepted or not].  Note:  IESUS will not proceed the application without receiving the fee of application.  How to send your money?  IESUS will email and guide you how to do the transaction. 

2. SCHOLARSHIP for The First Semester of IESUS (Opening ceremony in December 2021, classes begin in January 2022):

– Priority for students in Asia and Africa.

– Good skills of English (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

– Application fee: $US 15 (fifteen) [non-refundable, whether accepted or not].  Note:  application is proceeded only when IESUS receives the fee.  How to send your money?  IESUS will email and guide you how to do the transaction.

– First 100 applicants/students will be examined and evaluated for the scholarship.

– Please go to Contact to send your request of Scholarship Application.  After IESUS receives your complete Scholarship Application and $US 15 (fifteen), IESUS will evaluate and email the result of scholarship to those who are approved.

a) IESUS offers 10 full scholarships (full tuition) for Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) program, 4 years, to students from Africa and Asia (1 person from each country.)

b) IESUS offers 10 full scholarships (full tuition) for Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program, 3 years, to students from Africa and Asia (1 person from each country.)